September 2, 2011

New York Style

We're sending out story assignments for Feather today, we just announced our exciting new project and I have work, so I will be super busy all day, but I wanted to blog about this totally outdated feature StyleCaster did in February on the 50 Most Stylish New Yorkers. Those photos of Olivia I posted earlier brought back memories of this. I personally love StyleCaster and I've enjoyed watching it evolve over the past year or so.

These photos are very well done. It's like a yearbook, but everyone came in their best outfit on a good hair day. If I had the time, I'd go through why I love every one of them, but no one would read a post that's a mile long and it would take hours. Instead I'm posted my favorites with the exception of Olivia because I don't want this blog to seem like a huge Olivia Palermo love fest.

Andrew Mukamal
Luigi Tadini
Jenné Lombardo
Kelly Framel
Bonnie Morrison
Timo Weiland
Reece Solomon
Abigail Lorick
Jen Kao
Photos found here.

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