I got really caught up with the holiday weekend and wasn't able to post this on Saturday as usual. I meant to schedule it, but there just wasn't time. Oh, well. I'm still Miami, but we're resting at the hotel, so I decided to write this post.
I watched a lot of films last week that I always wanted to see, but hadn't gotten the chance to yet. It was a really good week of film watching.
Friends with Benefits was much better than No Strings Attached because
it focused just as much on the comedy as the romance. The plot also gave
the main characters more depth. |
Broken Hll is the typical story of boy meets girl,
girl rejects boy, girl gets boy in legal trouble and
they start a choir at a prison for their community
service project and to help boy get into music
college. It was entertaining enough to do while
I went through pitches. |
Of course, I've seen The September Issue. I saw it in theaters and then I
bought it, but it's different watching it after you start a magazine. I'm not
as scary as Anna, but I hope to one day be anywhere near as good. |
Prom was so cute it was almost painful, but they slipped in a bad boy story
line to even it all out. Of course, he's really just misunderstood and needs
someone to believe in him. The school's golden girl perhaps? |
Interview with the Vampire has been on my Netflix queue for a while, but
I kept holding off on watching until last week. I love how tortured Brad Pitt's
character is by his decision and how delightfully evil both Tom Cruise and
Kirsten Dunst's characters are. It also ended perfectly and I'm so glad they
didn't have a sequel. |
I love Meryl Streep, so I watched Heartburn. It's about a woman who marries
a notorious womanizer and finds out he's cheating when she's pregnant
with their second child. She takes him back, but can't seem to get over his
infidelity. |
Images from here, here, here, here, here, here, here.
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