August 27, 2011

Films of the Week

I spent so much time watching The Tudors that film inadvertently took a backseat. I'm so surprised at myself. I did watch two films, one in the early hours of the morning when I should have been asleep.

I've seen Strictly Sexual before. It's surprisingly a very deep film about two
 women who invite out-of-work construction workers to live with them
in exchange for sex. Somehow, it's not raunchy, which is a turn-off for me
with films. I tried to watch the series on Hulu, but it just wasn't working. The
acting in the film isn't amazing by any means, but it's
Oscar-worthy compared to the series.
What Dreams May Come is a total tear-jerker, but it's so creative and
the entire concept of Heaven is composed well on film. The story is
about a couple who lose their children in a car accident and the husband
dies in a car accident a few years later. When his wife commits
suicide, he goes to Hell to find her. I saw bits of pieces of it before,
but seeing the entire thing really brought it out in a new light.
This is definitely on my list of favorites now.

August 26, 2011

Friday Faves

I randomly ran across this new OK Go version of The Muppets theme song this afternoon and it made my year! I'm a huge Muppets fan and I wish they would bring the show back. Although I shared Beyonce's cover of Bohemian Rhapsody as a fave last Friday, my most beloved cover will always be the one by The Muppets. If OK Go sounds familiar, it's because they did a viral video a few years ago with some insane treadmill choreography.

I meant to blog more this week, but it's hard finding balance right now because I haven't gotten into a grove yet since this is our first editing cycle at Feather. It's going so great, though, and I couldn't be happier with where we're headed. Other than my awesome magazine, I also like:

These glow-in-the-dark jars. I needed these as a kid.
(via pinterest)
This adorable photo of blogger K is for Kani.
(via Feather Magazine Tumblr)
My Baking Addiction feeds my dream of learning to be an expert baker,
but my oven remains unused. I can still dream, though.
(via My Baking Addiction)
I've become an insanely huge fan of Kimbra in
the past week and this is my favorite song I've
heard so far.

Last week, it was all about Camelot, but I've now moved on to The Tudors. I somehow
went through almost four seasons in a little over a week, but it's so good and I usually
watch it while working on magazine stuff. Jane is my favorite wife, but I haven't seen
his sixth wife yet, so I may change my mind in the end.
(via Flickr)

August 22, 2011

Movie Scene: Office Space

No time to blog today. I had so much going on with Feather, but it's all coming together! Yay!

I was thinking of this scene from Office Space today because it's hilarious. I know a lot of people at jobs they hate who would love to do this to their printer because it's a symbol of how much they hate their office. I'm glad to not be one of them.

I'll try to blog tomorrow.

August 20, 2011

Films of the Week

Apparently, I was in the mood for family dramas this week. It seems to be a running theme of the films I watched.

A cute first-love story with a young Reese
Witherspoon. There's also a lot of family drama.
A man tries to adapt to his teenage son coming out
of the closet, his father-in-law moving in and
sexual tension with a co-worker. It doesn't
make me want to have a lot of grown-up
responsibility any time soon, but it's good.
I wish was as lively as hers. I don't really have to explain this one, do I?
There are so many handsome men in this film that I could barely follow
the plot. But it was an OK film. The shooting was a little amateur, though.

August 19, 2011

Feather Magazine Launch Date

We promised you the release of our launch date when we got 500 followers on Twitter. We just hit that mark yesterday, so I'm making good on the promise.

Feather Magazine will launch...


Before anyone gets sad because it seems so far away, we're filling September full of awesome surprises to thank everyone for their support. I can't say what the surprises are yet, but you will not want to miss them! Follow this blog or our Facebook to make sure you don't miss anything!

If you'd like to follow our editors, see the links on the right under "Daily Reads." Their blogs are seriously awesome.

Friday Faves

I started the week throwing a very small birthday dinner party for a close friend who was passing through town on her way back to New Orleans. Then, I spent Monday with another close friend at Harry Potter World. When I had free time during this week, I was designing the Feather Magazine website on half of my computer monitor and watching Camelot on the other half. Leave it to me to get addicted to a series that only has 10 episodes. 

Here are a few other things I love this week:

This Beyonce performance of "Bohemian Rhapsody,"
"The Beautiful Ones" and "Sex on Fire."

This snapshot of my first Butterbeer at Harry Potter World. It's
the best drink ever.
We reached 500 followers on Twitter! As promised, I will release our
launch date on a post later today.
This is my guilty pleasure.

This photo from Le Blog de Betty.

August 18, 2011

via pinterest
A week in Paris is basically five minutes, but it was an awesome five minutes. Well, it was awesome if I forget that we were almost kidnapped like that girl in Taken. It's a long story that I'll save for another post.

I went during my last semester of college for a class I loved that allowed me the opportunity to study Parisian magazines, as well as our course of study.

I've been missing it a lot lately since I've been blogging from Feather Magazine's Tumblr and using Pinterest. All I see on both websites are endless photos of Paris. I never shared any from my trip on here, so I decided to post a few.

I went for a class called Blacks in Paris and one of the public figures we
studied was Josephine Baker. The hotel where she used to live now has
an entire floor dedicated to her.
Everybody told me French restaurants give small portions, but they
give hearty portions and the food is amazing.
The Arc de Triomphe may look small here, but it's massive. And we
climbed to the top of it in a really tight spiral staircase.
The view from the top of the Arc de Triomphe. You can see the
entire city.
If you look very closely you can see a structure in the center of the
picture, all the way in the back. It's the church that's in the next
This is the most beautiful church I've ever been to
called Sacré-Cœur Basilica. And the view from the
amphitheater in front of it is amazing. There
were so many people I couldn't get a good photo
of that view, though.
The best time to go to the Eiffel Tower
is at night because the light show is
spectacular. It actually sparkles!
Versailles was even more extravagant than everyone says. I found
a lot  of sadness hidden in the beautiful things and
paintings there. FYI: It's about 45 minutes outside of Paris
on the RER, so it's not really in Paris.

How long until I can go back?

August 17, 2011

A Day at the Theme Park

I went to Islands of Adventure yesterday to finally visit the Harry Potter section of the theme park. Besides some annoying fears the park had about rain that delayed my ride on one of the roller coasters, it was a fun experience.

I was wearing the basic summer uniform: shorts and a tank top. Though my tank top was sequined, I became embarrassingly aware of how fashionable so many of the young women around me were. They had gone just as simple as I did with their attire, but they favored rompers paired with light accessories. I saw a lot of feathers and, as the editor of a magazine named Feather, made me happy.

I still suck at Polyvore, so it helped that I wanted to do something simple for my first set.

A Day at the Theme Park

Wet Seal one shoulder romper
$27 -

Jane Norman bangle bracelet
£5 -

Gilded Lily Goods feather earrings
$40 -

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