August 18, 2011

via pinterest
A week in Paris is basically five minutes, but it was an awesome five minutes. Well, it was awesome if I forget that we were almost kidnapped like that girl in Taken. It's a long story that I'll save for another post.

I went during my last semester of college for a class I loved that allowed me the opportunity to study Parisian magazines, as well as our course of study.

I've been missing it a lot lately since I've been blogging from Feather Magazine's Tumblr and using Pinterest. All I see on both websites are endless photos of Paris. I never shared any from my trip on here, so I decided to post a few.

I went for a class called Blacks in Paris and one of the public figures we
studied was Josephine Baker. The hotel where she used to live now has
an entire floor dedicated to her.
Everybody told me French restaurants give small portions, but they
give hearty portions and the food is amazing.
The Arc de Triomphe may look small here, but it's massive. And we
climbed to the top of it in a really tight spiral staircase.
The view from the top of the Arc de Triomphe. You can see the
entire city.
If you look very closely you can see a structure in the center of the
picture, all the way in the back. It's the church that's in the next
This is the most beautiful church I've ever been to
called Sacré-Cœur Basilica. And the view from the
amphitheater in front of it is amazing. There
were so many people I couldn't get a good photo
of that view, though.
The best time to go to the Eiffel Tower
is at night because the light show is
spectacular. It actually sparkles!
Versailles was even more extravagant than everyone says. I found
a lot  of sadness hidden in the beautiful things and
paintings there. FYI: It's about 45 minutes outside of Paris
on the RER, so it's not really in Paris.

How long until I can go back?

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