April 29, 2011

Friday Five

In an effort to post more frequently, I'm going to post five of my favorite things right now every week.

My gold graduation shoes from Lulu's.

After four long and grueling years, I'm finally graduating from college tomorrow. I'm not one for a lot of people coming to my events, so it worked out well that only my immediate family will be able to come. Even with a smaller crowd, I can't go out without a little style. More importantly, a little personal style.

I used to have a pair of sequined gold ballet shoes from Old Navy in high school, but I accidentally left them in a hotel room in Tennessee, along with my favorite denim jacket (I've never found one I loved as much), so I chose to give myself a blast from the past that reflects who I am now.

Everyone always called them Dorothy shoes. As a fun fact, in the two major motion picture adaptations of the Wizard of Oz, she never wears gold shoes. In the 1939 eponymous film version, Judy Garland wore red shoes because they wanted to show the wonders of Technicolor and in The Wiz Diana Ross wears silver shoes like Dorothy did in the original text.

Lucy Lui's hair in Season 3, Episode 3 of Ally McBeal
(I've been working my way through the series)

Adele's entire 21 album, especially this song.

This outfit on Kendi from Kendi Everyday.

Portia di Rossi's wedding dress because I just
noticed her tulle is pink.

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