August 26, 2011

Friday Faves

I randomly ran across this new OK Go version of The Muppets theme song this afternoon and it made my year! I'm a huge Muppets fan and I wish they would bring the show back. Although I shared Beyonce's cover of Bohemian Rhapsody as a fave last Friday, my most beloved cover will always be the one by The Muppets. If OK Go sounds familiar, it's because they did a viral video a few years ago with some insane treadmill choreography.

I meant to blog more this week, but it's hard finding balance right now because I haven't gotten into a grove yet since this is our first editing cycle at Feather. It's going so great, though, and I couldn't be happier with where we're headed. Other than my awesome magazine, I also like:

These glow-in-the-dark jars. I needed these as a kid.
(via pinterest)
This adorable photo of blogger K is for Kani.
(via Feather Magazine Tumblr)
My Baking Addiction feeds my dream of learning to be an expert baker,
but my oven remains unused. I can still dream, though.
(via My Baking Addiction)
I've become an insanely huge fan of Kimbra in
the past week and this is my favorite song I've
heard so far.

Last week, it was all about Camelot, but I've now moved on to The Tudors. I somehow
went through almost four seasons in a little over a week, but it's so good and I usually
watch it while working on magazine stuff. Jane is my favorite wife, but I haven't seen
his sixth wife yet, so I may change my mind in the end.
(via Flickr)

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